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Happy New Year! We hope the holiday season offered you a restful break and an abundance of joy!
As the calendar turns to 2018, Impact100 Philadelphia will begin the grant review process. We are seeking volunteers to serve on a Focus Area Committee.

Grant making is at the core of our mission and the success of the grant review process relies on members who are fully committed to participating in the work of the committee. Members of Focus Area Committees read grant proposals, conduct Site Visits and determine the finalist organizations. This is a commitment to attend three meetings, the first in early March the second in April and the third in early May (see all dates and locations below). As in previous years, you may sign up for the Focus Area based on your interest and the convenience of the location, time and day of the week the committee will meet.  What’s different in 2018 is that the first two Team Meetings will consist of groups of 10 members led by a Team Leader, meeting in homes or other appropriate settings.  The third meeting of the Focus Area will bring all the Teams together to select one finalist.

Participants should be available to attend all three meetings. The ideas, insights and perceptions exchanged by members at Team and Focus Area Meetings is critical for the collaborative decision-making that occurs when selecting a grant finalist.
We recommend that you prepare for this important work by reading the training documents and viewing training videos available on the Impact100 Philadelphia website HERE.  There will also be a webinar held in early February that will assist first-time Focus Area Committee members prepare to read grants (and all Focus Area Committee participants are welcome to attend).

All dates for the Focus Area Meetings are listed below.  Please note that the deadline to sign up for a Focus Area Committee is Friday, January 12th.  Please click the link below and fill out the survey to indicate your interest.  Visit our Evaluate Grants page of our website for more information, training videos, and to sign up!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]. Thank you!

Toby Gang and Sandy Lazovitz
Grants Chairs, Impact100 Philadelphia
2018 Focus Area Committee Meeting Dates 
Health & Wellness

 Monday from 6:30PM – 9:00PM

Center City, with one Team Meeting in Bucks County
March 12, April 16, May 7


Tuesday from 9:30 AM – 12 PM
Chestnut Hill
March 13, April 17, May 8

Tuesday from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Main Line
March 13, April 17, May 8
 Wednesday from 6:30PM – 9:00 PM
Center City

March 14, April 18, May 9

Arts & Culture
Thursday from 9:30AM -12:00PM
Main Line
March 15, April 19, May 10