The Impact of Impact100 

Impact100 Philadelphia engages women in collectively funding high-impact grants. We award large collective grants that seek to address unmet needs in the Philadelphia region and raise the profile of smaller nonprofit organizations. Through this work, our goal is to make our community more just, equitable, and healthy for everyone.

Through Impact100's collective grant-making, each member is able to magnify the positive effects of her individual donation. Together, Impact members learn about the most pressing needs in our region and provide significant support to nonprofit agencies that are working hard to address those needs.

We strive to engage respectfully with our grantees and we are well aware that the nonprofits we seek to support know far more about their needs and constituencies than we do. We seek honest dialogue and open communications, striving to understand the pressures and challenges that our applicants and grantees face. Some grantees have said that Impact100's grants process is a motivator — an inspiration to think big and plan strategically for the future. We hope that is the case and we are always open to feedback from the nonprofit community for how we can do better.

In June 2024 our 302 members awarded $284,750 in unrestricted funds to five nonprofit organizations in the region. In addition, $4,000 has been provided as honorariums to twelve nonprofit organizations as a new part of our grant-making process after hosting a site visit. We congratulate not only the finalists, but all organizations reaching the highest level of review.

You can see and search the full list of Impact100 Philadelphia's grants on the Find a Grantee and Grantees A-Z pages. View our Grantee Spotlights here.

Impact100 launched Community Awards in 2021 as a second funding program that gave smaller, no-application awards of $5,000 to $15,000. Awards were given in 2021 and 2022 to organizations that were performing outstanding, critical work but were not eligible for our general operating support. Click here to see the recipients.


A momentous day…

“This is a momentous day in the life of our organization.  We know with this great gift comes enormous responsibility.  We will exceed all that we’ve told you we’d do.”

-Impact100 Philadelphia Grant Recipient

Made many new friends…

"We were honored and delighted to be a part of your process and made many new friends through the Impact activities."

-Impact100 Philadelphia Grant Recipient

Positive, supportive, and enthusiastic…

"I have never experienced a more positive, supportive and enthusiastic experience from a potential funder. Our site visit was a particularly positive experience.”

-Impact100 Philadelphia Grant Recipient

Impressed with the careful attention…

"I was impressed with the careful attention given to each organization, the thorough review process, the depth of the questions during the site visit phase, and the egalitarian voting process for the finalists."

-Impact100 Philadelphia Grant Recipient