Young Philanthropists

Young Philanthropists are women ages 21 to 35 who are full members of Impact100 Philadelphia but are able to join at half the membership contribution. Of their $675 donation, $500 goes directly to the pool of grant funding to be awarded the following June, and $175 helps offset Impact’s operating costs.

Young Philanthropists bring a valued and valuable perspective to our organization.

Young Philanthropists:

  • Contribute $675 per year (installment payment options available)
  • Are able to leverage their personal contribution into Impact’s large collective grants that make a real difference in the region
  • Can participate as much or as little as they like; a membership donation by November 15 is the only obligation
  • Have the option of attending education sessions, YP social gatherings, and more
  • Can choose to participate in the proposal evaluation process, which includes learning about the nonprofit community and having in-depth discussions with the evaluation committee