PAR-Recycle Works PAR-Recycle Works was incorporated in June 2015 and began operations in February 2016. We take the name “PAR” (People Advancing Reintegration) from a peer-to-peer mentoring program started by a group of men serving life sentences at the State Correctional Institution at Graterford, now known as SCI Phoenix. This program was designed to prepare inmates for release with skills that would improve their chances for successful reentry. As a long-term solution to recidivism, PAR-Recycle Works, a non-profit social enterprise, provides transitional employment for people returning to society from prison. In a supportive community environment, PAR program participants develop and strengthen their job skills on a path to full-time permanent employment. We serve the needs of the broader community by providing environmentally responsible recycling of electronics and secure data destruction while conforming to the highest industry standard. We provide “Green Jobs” and to-date have diverted over 100 tons of electronic waste from landfills.
Year Awarded: 2023
Grant Type: Operating
Focus Area: Education
Grant Amount: $100,000